Tag Archives: Breaking Kayfabe

Episode 40: Greatest Tag Team Match & Classic Rock Frontmen

Episode 40 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry has landed! And on this episode we will be discussing Dave Meltzer’s choice for the greatest tag team match of ALLTIME! And we discuss our choices for the greatest classic rock frontmen ever!!

Match Discussed:
– Mitsuhara Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue from 6/9/95

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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 39: 1980’s Matches & Hollywood Scandals

Episode 39 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and you’d better be damned glad it is! And in this episode, we look at another candidate for 1985 match of the year, a match from way back that set the stage for a decade long program…..and, we go into the sleazy underbelly of Hollywood for our top 5, as we offer our top 5 Hollywood scandals!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 38: Current Wrestling & Favorite Character Actors

Episode 38 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here! And on this episode, we stay current and relevant! We look at the recent NXT & WWE events in Chicago and discuss New Japan’s recent Dominion event from Osaka. We also reveal our top 5 favorite character actors! Its the extremely rare….7 star episode!!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 37: CWF Fanfest & Favorite Foreign Movies

Episode 37 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry has landed! And in this episode, we recap the event of CWF Legends Fanfest 3 with lots of stories, we take a look at another match from 1985 that received votes for match of the year in the Wrestling Observer Yearbook and we offer our top 5…..favorite foreign movies! We’re going highbrow!!

Match discussed:
The New Zealand Sheepherders (Jonathan Boyd & Rip Morgan) vs the Fabulous Ones from 8/12/85 in Memphis

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 36: 1980’s Matches & Wrestling Books

Episode 36 has landed with the impact of a Hulk Hogan legdrop! Minus the hip replacement surgery! And on this episode, we will begin a multi episode look at matches that received votes in the Wrestling Observer Match of the Year category, a new weekly segment “F, Marry or Kill” begins….and we discuss our top 5 wrestling books!

Matches discussed:
Road Warriors vs Freebirds 9/28/85
Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper 2/18/85

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 35: Tenryu vs. Tsuruta & Re-watchable Movies

Episode 35 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here! And in this episode, Barry’s documented mancrush on Jumbo Tsuruta continues as we take a look at a top 100 match that is top 20 worthy! That, plus we discuss if Mike Graham could’ve been a heel in Florida and we offer out top 5 most re-watchable movies!

Match discussed:
Jumbo Tsuruta vs Genichiro Tenryu from 6/5/89

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 34: 1980’s Matches & Cannon Films

Episode 34 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here! And on this episode, we will take a look at two more of Jeff’s top 100 of the 80’s, including a match that both feel belonged in his top 10!! That, plus we answer listener questions and discussion the legacy of Cannon Group, Inc., producers of some of the worst–and a couple of the best–films of the 1980’s!! Stallone, Norris, Bronson…and Streep??

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 33: 1980’s Matches, Evil Genius & Top Diners

Episode 33 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here….and on this episode we take a look at two more of Jeff’s top 100 of the 80’s, we take a look at the amazing Netflix series “Evil Genius”, and we give our top 5 diners we have visited!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 32: Bobby Fulton & 1980’s Matches

Episode 32 is here and there is more emotion running thru this episode than an All Japan women’s show in the late 80’s! In this episode, our longest show ever, we discuss 3 of my top 100 of the 80’s, we are joined for a segment by 1/2 of the Fantastics, Bobby Fulton…..we discuss our memories of Jumbo Tsuruta & Owen Hart and….and we offer our top 5 movie shootouts of all-time!!

Matches discussed:
– The Fantastics vs The Midnight Express 4/26/88 Chattanooga, TN
– Ric Flair vs Lex Luger 12/26/88 from Starrcade ’88
– Chigusa Nagayo vs Lioness Asuka 2/26/87 “Battle of the Crush Gals”

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 31: Dory Funk Jr., Florida 1982 & Favorite Pizza Places

Episode 31 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry has pulled into the station! And in this special edition of the show, we take a look back to Florida in 1982. Was it Florida’s last great year as a promotion? To help us out, we called the booker…the world champion Dory Funk Jr himself to discuss that year, and what made David Von Erich so great!!  Plus we each offer our top 5 places to get a good pizza!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network