Tag Archives: Breaking Kayfabe

Episode 62: Listener Questions

Episode 62 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and its a special Q&A edition. We answer our listeners questions on LiFE! What were Barry’s favorite NXT matches, what is our favorite brand of TP? Have either one of us ever been arrested? What is our dream car? These questions and more will be answered!!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 61: Unsolved Mysteries Edition 2.0

Episode 61 of Breaking Kayfabe is here…and its our special Unsolved Mysteries Edition 2.0! On this episode we ask: Who killed Corsica Jean? What really became of the Sodder children? Was the murder of a prominent Florida doctor random…or an execution? Who…or WHAT killed Bobby Dunbar? And how did a German teenager survive a fall from 10,000 feet into a tropical rainforest?? We will speculate–because that’s who we are and what we do!!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 60: Modern Wrestling & Michael Douglas Films

Episode 60 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and its going to hit you like a stiff chop to the chest! And on this episode, we discuss the recent Survivor’s Series & NXT shows, take a look at a fantastic match from last month and….discuss our top 5 favorite Michael Douglas movies!

Match discussed:
Will Osprey Jr vs WALTER from 10/14/18 in Dublin, Ireland

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 59: Ron Fuller & Kobashi vs. Joe

Episode 59 of Breaking Kayfabe and its here and we are hitting harder than a Kenta Kobashi chop! And in this episode, we are joined by special guest the Tennessee Stud Ron Fuller to ask him: more important historical figure in wrestling…..Sam Muchnick or Jim Barnett? And we a look at a match from 2005 that is universally praised!

Match Discussed:
Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe from 10/1/05 in NYC

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 58: CWF Legends Fanfest

Episode 58 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and its chock full of stories from the recent CWF Legends event in Lutz, Florida, plus, we take a look at a match from Ann Gunkel’s All South promotion from 1972!! We also take a look a look at a video from the early 80’s regarding Tommy Rich’s return to Georgia!

Match discussed:
The Assassin & The Hollywood Blondes vs Tommy Seigler, Argentina Apollo & Roberto Soto from 12/1/72

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 57: The Wedding Of Bowdren’s Daughter

Episode 57 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and on the episode we break kayfabe.. on weddings! Hear the sordid details of the wedding of Bowdren’s daughter–attempted wedding crashers! Rental car agencies that can TAKE reservations, but cannot HOLD reservations!  Drunken bridesmaid and more!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 56: Houston Wrestling & Favorite Comfort Foods

Episode 56 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here, all dressed up and as classy as a Nick Bockwinkel promo! And on this episode, we will conclude for now our look at Houston wrestling by looking at two more matches from there, and we discuss our top 5….. Comfort foods. That’s right, it’s probably not healthy, but by God you know you love it anyway!

Matches discussed:
Nick Bockwinkel vs Tito Santana from 11/20/81 2 out of 3 falls
Ken Patera vs Jimmy Snuka from 12/21/79

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 55: A Look At Dick Slater

Episode 55 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is here and its a special wrestling intensive edition as we discuss the life and times of….the late Dick Slater. Joining us on this episode are Steve Keirn, who was a high school friend of Slater’s before they got into wrestling & Bob Roop, who was in Florida when Slater first started.

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 54: Great Matches, UFC Chaos & Favorite Movies

Episode 54 of Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren & Barry is showing up like an uninvited houseguest that just won’t leave!! And on this episode, we take a look at two wildly different matches, discuss the recent UFC finish and go into part 2 of our favorite pre-1970 movies!

Matches discussed:
– Atlantis vs Ultimo Guerrero (mask vs mask)
– Danny Hodge vs Jerry Brisco

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network

Episode 53: 1980’s Hidden Gem & What’s On Your iPod?

Episode 53 of Breaking Kayfabe is here and we have rolled right past that one year anniversary! And on this episode, we take a look at a hidden gem of a match that absolutely should have been on a top 100 of the 80’s…and the guys do a musical top 5 by asking, hey: Whats on your iPod shuffle??

Match discussed: Midnight Express vs Mr Wrestling II & Magnum TA 1/27/84 in Houston

Follow Jeff on Twitter @BowdrenJeff
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Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren  & Barry is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network